Participation of investors in meetings reaches five times with pandemic

InfoMoney news report addresses the increased participation of investors in online meetings of real estate funds, in addition to the importance of this type of event.

For the CEO of RBR Asset, Ricardo Almendra, investor adhesion is essential and makes all the difference in the dynamics of fund management, since, in practice, they belong to the shareholders who invest their resources there.

“The active participation of investors in the fund’s decisions is important, so that they can defend their interests. It is an essential tool for the industry to evolve. ”

Recently, RBR held an Extraordinary General Meeting (AGE) of the RBRF11 fund completely online, with suggestions for important changes to the vehicle regulations. Thanks to the active participation of the quota holders, all the proposed items were approved, in a joint work that is essential.

To read the full InfoMoney story, click here
